Boots care is very simple and important for the long-term life of your boots. Our kind of boots (Toyobo Boots) don’t require any special treatment, but still need to be cleaned for maximum comfort. Here are some tips for you to care your Toyobo Boots.
Tips #1: Never wear you shoes or boots in wet feet.
Make sure you wipe dry your feet before put the shoes or boots on. Wearing footwear in wet feet can cause several serious problems i.e bad odor of your feet, and can cause you fungal infection. Also make sure to wash your feet and wipe it dry before put some boots on.
Tips #2: Clean the lining of your boots
Boots are relatively easy to clean. Use some wet cloth with water and soap, and clean it from inside out. Make sure you dry the boots before use it.
Tips #3: Clean the outer part of your boots
For outer parts, try use some soft brush. Brush the surface gently with soap and water, and rinse it with water after you finished. Avoid using hard brush as it will damage the boots.
For safety shoes or boots, you don’t need to use special treatment. But with these easy tips, it will protect your feet more, ensure maximum safety for protection, and also lengthen your life term of boots.