Recently, this new words are heard everywhere. During these day of COVID-19, many workplaces implement the new normal into their daily activities. This “new normal” thing is what governments pushes so the economy doesn’t collapse in this pandemic era. So, what is the new normal meaning for us?
Physical and social distancing
Avoid packed in small closed area. Virus can easily spread human to human. So it is wise to avoid stand or sit too close with strangers. Keep distance about 1.5 to 2 meters from the others.
Mask, mask everywhere
The new normal also means wearing mask everywhere. Whether you go to the mall, office, restaurants, masks are required. Masks can prevent the spread of the virus. A layer of protection is always better than no layer at all. In some places, employees are required to wear the face shield as well.
Hand washing
One of the good old habits that our parents taught us revived: washing hands. It is important to keep your hands clean. We don’t know what surface we touched, clean or not. So, washing hands regularly, sometimes even required before entering the mall, are crucial. Keeping hands clean keep the virus away.
Temperature check
Also, before enter an office building or mall, security always check our temperature. Above 38 degrees are a no-no for entering.
2020 is surely a very challenging years for everyone of us on this earth. Global pandemic, slowing economy, regional tensions.. Don’t wait the condition back to normal. This is the new normal. Embrace the change, live with it. Welcome to new normal.